Whether you wake up in the morning, energized and ready to take the day by storm or you feel completely burnt out by a job that you once adored this site is for you!
I am guessing since you found my site you value heart-centered service, making an impact in the world and living a life that is fulfilling and fun.
I am here to scream it from the roof tops, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!!
Friends, I have been in all these places and can say with full confidence, that you are fully capable to be the absolute best version of yourself in all of these situations!
Just so we are all on the same page here, there are a few things I feel VERY strongly about…
I believe we are all unique individuals with gifts to share that the world absolutely needs.
I believe that ‘your vibe’ is a real thing, and that even though we can put a smile on our faces and push through the pain we are feeling inside, the quality of our work is affected.
I believe that if we do not take the time EVERY SINGLE DAY to take care of our selves in some way or another, that the compounded affect of this is dimming the spark that makes us, us.
I believe that to be able to serve the world, make an impact and profoundly change lives, we must first do the hard work of changing our own through knowledge, reflection, and daily practices.
Long story short, if you know that you have a heart of service, but are needed some support along your journey – I am here to support you!
I am a writer, speaker, and content creator aiming to bring joy and create a connection with those feeling like their spark has been dimmed. I also provide e-courses and in-person workshops for recreational therapist and any other helping professional who is ready to take control of their own holistic wellness and give back with their exceptional skills.
I am an east coast Canadian gal, who moved to the sandy white beaches of St. Petersburg, Florida to work as a recreational therapist.
I’m an adventure loving, scrunchie wearing, avid coffee fan who you can usually find hanging out with my puppers and hubby or playing in the waves.
A few years ago, I started on the journey of a lifetime. I left my very stable life to follow the quite whisper of my heart that was telling me I was meant for something more. Hence my favorite personal mantra, follow your heart.
Since I made the choice to follow an unknown path, my life has been anything but normal. I experienced the highest highs, but also the lowest lows of my life. I am grateful everyday for the experiences I had (both the good and not so great). Without it all, I am not sure if I would have started this path of self-growth and learning.
Since 2012 I have worked in a healthcare or helping field. From children to seniors, physical rehabilitation to behavioral health, I have had a lot of experiences. I am grateful for every environment I worked in, and with every team I serve on.
I experienced immense burnout and compassion fatigue during my career and I noticed that I wasn’t alone in this! So many of my colleagues would give until they hit absolute exhaustion, which is hard to bounce back from.
Through my own journey of grief, burnout, and depression I was forced to take a long look at how I was spending my life. I decided to take immediate and make small deliberate changed to my daily life. At first, I did not notice any changes. But little by little, I felt the joy seep back into my life.
And now I want to help you.
I want to share the tangible skills and knowledge that I acquired along my journey to help you get back to feeling energized, passionate and serving the world with your light shinning at its full brightness.
Do you want to know what really lights my heart on fire? Connecting, supporting, and learning right along side with all of you. As my favorite Canadian rock star Bryan Adam’s once said, everything I do, I do it for you.
With love, gratitude and support,
Meagan ?